This work was meant to determine the effect of evisceration on the quality of
chilled marine fish during preservation period. The species used in this study
was Plectropomus areolatus. Samples were kept in a ratio of one fish: two ice in
fiberglass ice boxes until the appearance of spoilage signs. Chemicals
composition, bacteriological test and sensory evaluation of gutted and whole fish
at days; 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 were done. Chemical contents were decreased with
progress of preservation period except moisture and pH, which increased in
gutted and whole fish. A significant effect was produced from gutting at the end
of preservation on acidity and protein; the change was more in whole fish. The
gutted and whole fish samples, before and after chilling with ice, were free from
Salmonella spp, Staphylococcus spp and Vibrio spp. However, E. coli appeared in
gutted fish before whole fish. The study showed that, there were significant
difference in all sensory parameters except for smell and firmness of flesh. The
gutted fish show best assessment in slime, skin and firmness of flesh. At the end
of preservation there was no significant difference in all sensory parameters
between gutted and whole fish, and the assessment became unpleasant.