In this study a total of 141 milk samples were collected; 63 from cows, 38 ewes, 19 goats
and 21 from She-camels. These samples were obtained from northwest Kordofan (28),
Southern Kordofan (29), Butana (32), Gedarif (20) and upper Atbara River (19).
Milk samples from these animals were collected according to one or more of milk
abnormal features: colour, clots, deposits, bloody or watery consistency. Direct examination of
these samples using milk smear showed that 74(52-48%) were found positive for bacterial
demonstration, while bacteria were isolated and identified from 126(89.36%) milk samples
after cultivation. The aerobic bacteria isolated and identified from these samples were 45
Staphylococci (31.91%), 26 Streptococci (18.44%), 29 Enterococcus species (20.57%), 5
Klebsiella pneumoniae (3.5%), 8 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5.68%), 11 E. coli isoletes (7.8%), 2
actinomyces pyogenes (1.41%), while 15(10.64%) milk samples were found negative for
bacterial isolation .